birds of a feather...

distressed owl table and cross back chairs

owl table with 2 chevron chairs & 2 polka dot chairs

let me introduce you to the two latest tables finished just before christmas, and the two lovely ladies that inspired them.  my last few posts sort of stemmed from my experience with Make It! Edmonton and having a booth there this past november, and this post again is linked to my experience at that show.  while i was at the booth i met some great people, two of which ended up ordering tables for christmas gifts.  funny enough, both owls, and after talking details, both with chevron and polka dots.  i had great fun doing these two tables, as both of these ladies have great style, had awesome direction for what they wanted and were both so willing to just going with the flow and trust me.  and for two tables with so many similarities, these two birds of a feather were able to be unique in their own special ways.
thanks so much to these two individuals for being your orders and being so fantastic to work with.  i hope the tables were a great surprise christmas morning and will be well enjoyed for years to come.   


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